Below the concept art, I will first explain the art, and then summarize updates to her name (which is now tentatively Altia Luna Denerian), back-story, and basically everything.
Some concept art:
As is probably obvious by now, especially for those who know of this character, this is Takane Shijou from IdolM@ster. Therefore, you can assume I've scrapped the blond hair for, well, pretty much everything you see here. Although I haven't watched much of IdolM@ster, Takane is definitely my favourite. Anyway, she seems to be a good fit for Altia as far as ghetto concept art is concerned.
The following additional concept art is for when Altia's alterego surfaces. She basically goes evil and becomes more of a shadow priest: The art is that of Caren Ortensia from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia:

Now, first I will talk about her alterego. To do that, I will simply describe the (currently vague) backstory I've thought up for her. After that, I'll add any other new details. I'll mention her name, and why I've changed it.
Here we go:
- Age:~17 or 18
- Prophesized to be a "bringer of light"
- Talented at healing
- A well-known church priestess from a rich and powerful family
- A speaker for the people, a charismatic "princess"
- Loved by the people, exalted and relied upon. Thought to have great potential.
- Oft referred to as "The Pristine Princess" (though not actually a true princess), or "The Priestess of The Light"
- Actually, she has a deeply hidden dark side:
- She hates being forced by her parents and her people to be a "bringer of light", one bearing the burden of such high expectations
- She hates having to hide her true self, and she hates herself for doing so
- Her personality, hidden away in darkness, rots and decays over time, falling into a darkness
- Hates her parents for being even more fake than she is: greedy, corrupt, unfaithful, sinful, unloving--she curses her parents more than anyone, and they were also the ones who sought her prophecy.
- It also bothers Altia that the prophecy could be false. She does, however, consider herself a little on the powerful side in terms of holy power (and her strength parameter is a bit high. She attributes this to exercising regularly, but it could be that she is blessed with extra strength).
- Because of her high and holy status, church position, affluence, familial relation, and social influence, she is often sought after by people with any range of intentions: dark cults and organizations seek to kill her or worse, and she receives a lot of attention. Due ot this, she trains herself physically in secret as an emergency measure for fighting off pursuers at close range.
- Exercising serves the latent, or perhaps focal role for her of relieving some of her stress and hatred. She hates everyone including herself, but to a certain degree this hatred is actually natural. Due to this, she is not actually a bad person at heart. In practice, she is an unrealistically wonderful and righteous, shining person. Even taking into account her dark, hidden alterego, its existence is not entirely her fault and the public has yet to ever witness it (the same is true for her family). When she one day finds a balance and is able to live as her true self, her alignment will be more of a Chaotic Good--her compromise between extremely Lawful Good, and Chaotic Evil.
- She even hates the fact that everyone literally LOVES the fake her. She knows they wouldn't love the true her, and this is one of many things that just amplifies the darkness inside of her.
- The blessing bestowed upon her by The Light and her prophecy have only served to cultivate a fierce darkness inside of her. In the end, and not taking into account any of her potential victims along the way (after she eventually goes evil), everything will have ended up for the better for her. She will finally be able to live as her true self, but the pros will be that she will have the best of both worlds (especially in terms of powers), she will have gone on her adventures as a result of this life, and she will become an overall powerful person, able to use that power for all kinds of great things. All of this will have been paid with the price of a horrible early life. But the fact that she played a pivotal role in the city and the church, and that the people adored and exalted her will be something that she can't ignore, and something that helps her to one day smile upon her twisted past.
- The nice little dark twist to this big conclusion to everything will be that people DO fall victim to her along the way, perhaps in very gruesome, Fate-esque ways (reminds of Matou Sakura). Thus, it is a twisted sort of happy ending (including the fact that she had to "accept" her twisted side in order to live normally and receive acceptance from others.
- Despite everything, she is still a graceful, beautiful, and in reality kind hearted person. The corruption in her heart might never fully disappear, but after a period of darkness and emotional rampage during her alterego's biggest appearance, she will continually heal inside and become progressively more normal and acceptable, even pleasant and charming in a non-ominous/mysterious/mischeviously seductive way. She can still be shining, still show greater propensity for charismatic power and social divinity than pretty much anyone another, and still prove unmatchable in many respects. In fact, in the end she can be considered a normal girl and even be an unquestionable romantic interest for other characters (in other words, she doesn't end up as some kind of twisted, horrible dark being that, if at all, could only count as a niche/alternative/dangerous choice as a love interest. Rather, she is actually very beautiful and is not un-beautiful inside. She will just have a past in need of acceptance by others. Because of this, she will for a time, when all is done, grow a little unconfident socially compared to the unwavering confidence she used to display).
Well, I explained earlier that "Altia" was taken from a world created by Johnny and I by the name of Tires Lunaltia ("Tee-ress Loo-nawl-tee-a"). I also chose it because it sounded decently graceful--almost queenly--and even reminds of the pokemon Altaria, which, as a graceful, almost angelic sort of Flying/Dragon Pokemon, reminds of the sky and heaven. By yet another coincidence, however, it also reminds of "Alter", which we can say (awesomely) relates to her alterego, or to the corrupted "alter" characters in the Heaven's Feel route of Fate/Stay Night. For example, Saber Alter, who changes to this dark, altered form after being absorbed by Dark Sakura, who is to be the vessel of "All the World's Evil":
Changing Pendra to Luna was a simple choice. By one of the many coincidences associated with the name construction of Altia, I ended up with Altia Pendra Denerian (explained here in the first post for Altia). Altia Pendra sounds too close to Altria Pendragon (aka Arturia, Altria being the weird-yet-official romanization). People would definitely think I took the name from Saber's name, since I am indeed a big Fate fan (especially Fate Zero! But really, the whole thing...).
Thus, I removed Pendra and replaced it with Luna, which yes is very simple, but is also decently graceful and is taken from "Lunaltia", as in the world name "Tires Lunaltia", which I wanted to incorporate as much as possible for some cohesion within my universe of creations :)
I originally wanted to call her Tiresia, but this name didn't get very favourable reviews with my friends and I didn't really mind changing it (see the aforementioned first post about Altia).
"Luna" also refers to the moon (lunar), which in itself can be related to both light and darkness (night time). Thus, Luna is actually a very fitting middle name for Altia, who is the epitome of light and dark's romance.
Finally, I will say just as I've said in the previous post, that although a cool coincidence, Denerian as the last name has nothing to do with Daenerys from A Game of Thrones. I unscrambled the Japanese word and anime archetype called "yandere" ("yawn-deh-reh") which basically refers to a front of kindness and affection (albeit sometimes overtly twisted in itself) with a twisted, even murderous alterego that can range (as far as illegitimate usage of the term "yandere" for lack of better word is concerned) from mildly dark to psychotically murderous.
By unscrambling "yandere" into a name, I managed to get "Denerya", but with lots of names ending with an 'a', I changed it to Denerian (because Deneryan looks weird to me and may make itself prone to mispronounciation anyway).
So, this is how far Altia has come, and her new name is ALTIA LUNA DENERIAN!
Great and motivated Article I like this Blog.
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