Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Yukigami here~



So it's Christmas now. One odd thing about this Xmas is that for most of my friends and I, there won't be any exchanging of gifts today. It's all the storm's fault. As I talked about here, there was, and still is, a big power outage due to a heavy storm that caused trees to fall on and mess up power lines. On the bright side, it gives us more time to get all the presents ready. Personally, I was being very last-minute. I did get a lot of shopping done yesterday though.

--By the way, how does the blog look? Anything to be desired?
Is it easy to look at?

Obviously with Xmas and everything, as well as spending time with people important to me who've had exams and things up to a few days ago or whom I hadn't been able to see due to my own exams and things, I haven't been able to get any writing done on Love Lilycove.

Today I'm at home with family and later on we will play games or something. Before evening, I need to go buy some jewelry cleaner, finish a lot more Xmas cards, and do a bit of gift wrapping. But two more things I plan to fit in today are a bit of exercise and a bit of writing!

Around now, I suppose I'll put a bit of time into continuing the first chapter.
Tomorrow I'll start seeing my friends again!

About Love Lilycove:

I think each chapter, or at least the first anyway, will be at least 20 pages.

Happy Holidays~!!


(I did not make any of these pictures, nor do I own them.)


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dark Christmas?


この間ひどい嵐があって、木がたくさん倒れました。それだけじゃない、木がパワーラインの上に落ちて、オンタ リオ中にたくさんの家が停電の状態になっちゃいました。僕はトロントに住んでいて、とても不便でした。たった今電気が僕の家に戻ってきて、すごく助かりまし た。数日前から外が少し危なくらしくて、モールも店もほとんど閉まっていて、ぎりぎりのクリスマス買い物をできませんでした。友達のみんなもこの状態だから、クリスマスの後に、パーティをする予定があります。


(Owned by weather!!)  x(

Now that I have electricity back, life is okay again.
Actually, it really wasn't that bad. But it was boring, and more than two days - say, a week or more - would have REALLY sucked.

Tonight, I am happy that I was able to prepare some presents for people with help from my mom, though I will have to do a lot of shopping tomorrow, too!
In particular, I was able to prepare something special for someone. It's going to be legen--

Wait for it...



..something doesn't sound right...




 (This image was not made by me, nor do I own it)



It was not Yukigami's fault for all the freezing of the trees and falling of the trees onto all dem power lines. The ice-coated trees may be beautiful, but Yukigami would not go that far. Well, for the time being Yukki wa HAPPY DESU! ;p
