Monday, March 17, 2014

Technical Writing

Yukigami here!

To elaborate on my previous post regarding my summer preoccupations - I plan to also refine my skills of technical writing.

Because this summer really needs to be productive for me not only in terms of creative writing and taking a real step into the world of novelists and creative writers, but also in terms of developing the skills of mine most relevant to and useful for realistic overall employability, I plan to learn and refine my skills of technical writing rather than focus only on my creative writing projects. My Go tutorials and articles may contribute to this type of skill development, but it is definitely not enough - not even close!

Furthermore, in addition to taking one half-credit course this summer, I'll be training myself in Python. I may or may not have said it before that I'm including 20 minutes per day as a minimum requirement of daily programming, but I'm increasing that.

Yeah, I'm definitely feeling the pressure from thoughts of the future and career pursuits. I actually think about these things every single day.

Like, a lot...

While we might classify Go tutorials and typical discussions referring to Go diagrams as "technical writing", I am definitely going to continue doing it with some level of creatively, if not with increasing levels.

Talk is cheap, I'll show it with my next Go tutorials!

I really can't wait to be free from this school term so that I can post like mad!!

Well then,
Again soon!


1 comment:

  1. Try not to overload yourself! Lots of accomplishments are good, but don't fall into the all-too-common trap of having so many things you end up doing nothing haha x_x - when possible focus on on the doing, and have fun with the pursuits, cuz these are all supposed to be a break from school and a taste of freedom rather than a stressful list of things to do~

    Nevertheless, 5月 is going to be good! We should set some things to certain days... like get-inspired-and-write-a-short-thing-Thursday oooor something like that. Also, we should make a thing, hopefully with Allen too, where we each take turns picking a topic/anime/game/universe/something and we all have to write something for that, that day - spend like 30 min - an hour getting inspired, talking about it, brainstorming, etc and then get in the zone and write some stuffs and then compare, talk and critique each other and brainstorm ways to make them better and stuff - most important of all, celebrate that we did something awesome and have something to show for it haha :P


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