Monday, April 7, 2014

New World - Wandering in the thick of night

Right now I'm doing my best to quickly learn the Python programming language. I've gotten a lot of advice from friends, and I've been sluggin' away at and some videos I saved from a couple of months I spent before in U of T's CSC108 (when I wasn't learning it for serious reasons).

To be honest, my motivation and interest right now is pretty damn high. I have a lot of reasons why I really need to do this, and time is of the essence! I am really going at it!
To be honest some more, I'm also really scared of it. I am excited by even the mere thought of programming battleship, Tetris, or a text adventure such as Pokemon! However, the more I read up on or get told about all I need to learn to do and about all the things some friends of mine already can and do do - hehe, I said "doo-doo!" - the more I'm kind of just like, "woah, shit!"

Am I going to give up? Not a chance. Am I going to ignore the intimidation and feelings of hopelessness?

Hell yeah~

I've been browsing a lot of programming-related stuff recently, especially some incredibly informative and interesting Youtube videos, and today I took a little peak at my friends (outdated?) blog.

Honestly, I have no clue what he is talking about, and I don't know how many years it would take me to get 1/4 as far as he has. Not to mention, that last post at the top of the page was from four years ago. I quickly saw "SDK" written near the top and almost kid myself that he might be talking about Go, since he plays.


But you know what, this is probably something like what it feels for starting Go players. So...

I'm going to go at this the same way I went at Go back when I was improving quickly at Go as a Kyu player who wanted to become a professional player (yeah... well... I REGRET NOTHING!!).

I'll keep making some updates about my progress with programming. Wish me luck! Or at least... wish me greater probability?

For anyone wondering when the heck I'm going to get around to finishing and posting chapters of stories, such as Love Lilycove or one of my Fate AU fanfics... They are coming.

I'll do my best!! I'll become a programmer!!

For now I may wander in the thick of the night,
But I'll run and I'll fearlessly take on this fight,
For the now is my goddess who beams down so bright,
To rid my future of eternal twilight



  1. You'll improve at the speed of light!!!!!!!!

  2. Keep it fun, and keep doing things that let you get a nice visual representation of your progress! Nice little programs and bits of code even if they're super basic will let you look back at them and feel good about how far you've come, and remember how noob you once were haha :P

    And keep writing too! Even if its short things, work in chunks of 1000 - 2000 words even, and even if its disjointed, standalone and random. It'll keep writing on the brain, and nice little writing samples can be crisp and full of awesome and powerful without having to get bogged down in the scale and the length and stuff - max power in small spaces is probably a very good writing skill to have none the less!

  3. @Allen I hope so! Sou da to ii ne! そうだといいね!
    @Johnny Agreed! I will go hardcore with programming but try to improve my time management enough that I can write a lot too!


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