Monday, December 16, 2013

Story Synopsis

Hello, reader! Yukigami here.

Firstly, some of you who've checked out this blog have been misled by my somewhat poorly written nutshell character descriptions from the previous post, and have made assumptions about the story that aren't true. First, I will clarify a few things:
  • No, the protagonist is not like Ash. He probably isn't even like Red (I need to read more of the Pokemon manga. More than none would be good... ^_^' )
  • Yes, this story will be highly romantic, though this element generally will not flood the story. But it will pervade it; there will be some chapters, strings of chapters, and maybe even entire arcs that focus on romantic drama, but in the case of entire arcs, the drama will be tied into or complimented by a lot of Pokemon- and battling-related happenings. I won't be able to identify any concrete labels for this story for you until I've written a few chapters, as it may contain any mix of "romance/drama", "slice", "shonen", some comedy, some darkness...and heck, there might even be some things sitting at the corner of Shoujo and Lovelove street.
  • For those of you who read more than just one or two chapters, I can pretty much guarantee that the major developments will not be predictable. Furthermore, as far as I'm concerned anything goes
  • I will be using all the comments that come in as a means of improving my story and my writing, and many of your suggestions may be used. At the same time, however, this story will not become a reader-obsessed mockery of its original intentions. The characters will always keep true to their own virtues, and let me add that although some of them will at first seem to fit into certain known archetypes, such as Coby being a typical smartypants geek character, that only scratches the surface about them. Furthermore, some of these characters will undergo huge, well-built-up-to personal changes that will surely surprise and hopefully satisfy you.
  • I especially wish for technical advice for my writing. When it comes to the story ideas themselves, all I can say is this: Please have faith in my imagination!! I will not let you down!!
  • I am writing this series like a novel, so although I will try not to make it very slow, expect a long story!

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 The bulk of the story takes place in Hoenn, at Lilycove Secondary Pokemon Academy in the bustling City of Lilycove. All of the main characters are students of this school, each around 15 years-old at first. The story takes place far in the future - Pokeballs are a restricted item, trainers have special ID, and their Pokemon are not secret from the schools. 

Every student has at least one Pokemon, and very few students have any evolved ones. Furthermore, as students, there are restrictions on the Pokemon they can bring to school. Students learn about and practice with Pokemon, but they also learn about regular academic subjects and about half of their time in school is spent on this. There are still schools around that focus only on typical academic subjects, and students who go to those schools often also go to Pokemon academies or Pokemon cram schools. Lilycove Secondary is a renowned and advanced school, and going to schools with built-in Pokemon education has become commonplace.

The story begins with a nightmare (: : EDIT : : Or does it??) - Jaden Petalstar's nightmare - and eventually, the cause of his inner turmoil that has eaten away at his personality for years will be revealed. The story starts off centralizing this issue and builds it into a mystery, but also presents a growing new problem of crime in Hoenn - an issue that has been taken care of and, until now, long forgotten. The story also slowly builds upon the unique characteristics, issues, and motives of the other characters, working them into the plot and subplots.  

Overall, the story could hypothetically be separated into these elements:

  • Jaden's deep-rooted personal issues
  • Life at school, rivalries, and the issues and motivations of other student characters
  • The emergence of a new crime syndicate and growing danger in the city
  • Romance and drama, a heavy element within the overall scheme
  • Adventure: though rare and limited, things like travel and gym battles will take place

As for the overall tone of the story, the first thing I can say is that it will be darker and more realistic than the regular Pokemon story or even the Pokemon manga; anything goes. Again, romance will be a heavy aspect, and I will do my best to make those parts sweet, sad, irritating, well built-up, and very dramatic. Humour, death and sadness also make their presence known in the story. Finally, the last thing to say is that even if some characters seem highly archetypal at first, this will not always be the case, as their personalities are highly unique and individualized, and some of them undergo amazing changes.

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Please, please, post your questions and comments! I'm sure there are more things you wish be answered, and you may have something to critique and wish to hear my response, so comment away!

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P. S. By no means is Jaden the only male character who will have overt romantic relations throughout the course of the story. Any of the girls and any of the guys could have or develop feelings for one another - something I'll be sure to properly build upon for each character - and each character is not limited to one romantic interest or pursuer. Anything goes!!


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