Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jan. 21 Tygem


So right before I finish catching up in my Fantasy and Horror class before I leave for a The Digital Text tutorial, I played on Tygem again. (Yukigami)
I tried betting on some games, but I lost money. Also, it seems like I may be betting too many points, due to the payout rate... haha

I've been Tygem 7d before, and even won plenty of games. My best result ever (not that I've played tygem that much, not more than 2-3 hundred games tops between all accounts) was getting two wins away from 8d!! Man, that would have been something!
7d is probably about my level (and it's sad that I was there over two years ago, but now still find myself losing ~some of the games against 6d).

My record so far since creating my account a couple of weeks ago or so is 21 W 8 L (and I know I'm caring too much about my record, but 2-3 of those losses shouldn't be there... sob sob. I'd be happier if I'd lost those games due to tricky moves or my opponent insolently cutting and invading all my sure-territory in the endgame, but that's not how it was...)

Since upgrading to 6d my current record is 5 W 2 L, and I guess I won't make up any excuses. After all, I'm sure on the other end they aren't always necessarily focusing on the game either.

Due to having been pretty sick (still a bit sick but I have my voice back!! ...mostly.) and just stupid, I've fallen just a liiiiittle bit behind in my courses, most of them. But I can easily catch up I think. In order to speed along through Fantasy and Horror, since it's one of my easier ones imo, I listened to an Alice in Wonderland audiobook because I already understood the story from the class lecture anyway. I tried to project some deep ideas as to what kind of hidden meanings/messages could have been conveyed by the story The Cartography Wasps and The Anarchist Bees, but the prof kind of responded as though there really isn't that much depth involved. So it would seem that this course is going to be a little shallower than some of my other courses (The Digital Text, on the other hand, seems super duper ambiguous and wishywashy, but it's still kind of cool and he did say there's some coding involved soon).
And yeah, laugh as you may that I have to read Alice in Wonderland, hehe.

I've been listening to that audiobook as I play on Tygem, since personally for me, neither really gets in the way of the other and I was successful with both, so it was efficient for me. I will read the next novels/pdf's properly though.

I don't even know if I'll have a lot of free time until Summer comes, but I'll at least try to post a few times a week, and the sections of the site (which I need to edit and alter a little, as some sections such as Tabletop RPG or Funny probably won't get much content most of the time) will fill up little by little. On that note, another thing I need to do, as I've taken notice, is edit my Go-related posts.

I'll start for example by editing and reworking my Introduction to Go.

When summer DOES come though...
Oh man...

There will be lots and lots of posts, just you wait!!
And when that time comes, if not sooner, I'll be trying my best to figure out all the best ways to build up traffic to this blog and spam dis sheeet all over the place :)

I'll post a Go game review soon! and some Go problems!!
I'm a pretty active Go teacher, so you can look forward to a lot of Go content! (and anecdotal experiences and humour, articles about my deeper thoughts on Go, homemade tutorials on various topics, links to other good Go resources, Important Joseki for everyone to learn, common pitfalls of Kyu players as I see them, and more~)


Ore wa Ganbaru~!!


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